Boost your practices performance with assistance of AMA
Getting paid for anesthesia during cardiac cases often isn't as complicated as some other procedures -- until your provider starts using multiple monitoring lines. The next time your anesthesiologist uses a Swan-Ganz catheter during cardiac surgery, you need to ensure you are updated to keep your practice on track and protect pay.
With a commitment to help medical coders by providing coding information and resources, offers a valuable resource – Code Connect – that will help coders plug all the loopholes to reduce errors and file clean and compliant claims. This tool not only allows users to save time but also work efficiently and effectively.
Simply overturn denials by Coding anesthesia code correctly and recover deserved reimbursement with Supercoder’s Code Connect that offers any coding solution that you can think of!
Having the ultimate guidance of the AMA, coders can easily understand codes and appropriately use them to file correct claims. Moreover, coders can simultaneously search CPT® Assistant 2012 & 1990-2011 Archives that will save time thereby maximizing efficiency. Authentic coding information, AMA CPT codes related information, articles from the AMA and monthly news and update makes this resource a must-have for all.
“This comprehensive CPT assistant tool will significantly boost efficiencies and reduce risks and has been priced reasonably at $199.95” adds Jen Godreau, Director of Development & Operations, SuperCoder.
Just visit our website at and stay ahead of competition with definitive guidance from the AMA to understand codes better and get timely updates on your fingertips. With this valuable resource you can overcome all odds and code and bill correctly and efficiently to ensure a smooth sailing for your practice. Get the updated and official guidance from the AMA to verify if you are coding correctly and let your practice soar ahead!
About is an online coding platform, providing online code lookup, medical coding tools, and expert coding information to help medical practitioners code correctly and efficiently.