Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Edits Switch Columns : NCCI Edis Neurology

The latest CCI edits that went into effect on July 1, 2010 have several ‘switched edit’ pairs of neurology codes you should check. If your neurologist carries out pain management injections, you will also want to incorporate changes for some medications and procedures. Read on for more information on NCCI edits neurology.

Change columns for +95920 and others

When CCI pairs codes as mutually exclusive procedures, you cannot report those two procedures during the same patience encounter. Be sure to submit the Column 1 code of the pair as submitting the Column 2 choice can lead to denials.

New versions of CCI sometimes include a few edits that reverse the Column 1 and Column 2 codes. Four current neurology code pairs in the latest CCI edits ( into this group. As such you should update your software or coding notes accordingly.

Whether you submit both codes for the encounter depends on whether CCI assigns a "0" or "1" modifier indicator to the pair.

"0" modifier indicator means you should never report both codes together while "1" modifier indicator means you can report both codes under certain circumstances and with enough supporting documentation.

EEG, pump refills appear in NME Edits

Column 1/Column 2 edits, also referred to as non-mutually exclusive edits (NMEs) include pairs of procedures your physician could reasonably carry out during the same session. Whether you report both procedures, however, depends on the modifier indicator for the pair.

For more updates on NCCI edits neurology, sign up for a one-stop medical coding website. When you sign up for one, you will get updates on all the 16,800 edits and will be able to report procedures. So sign up for one today!

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