Reporting your general surgeon’s service with an unlisted code means more documentation work and a guessing game when it comes to payment; that is the reason why everyone welcomed CPT 2010’s more specific codes.
CPT 2010 added 14301and +14302 for these services. Before the addition of 14301-14302, there was no real ways to describe this work appropriately as the then-existing codes did not describe repair of very large defects.
Clear up lap paraesophageal hernia repair confusion
You now have two new codes for laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair. You need to bypass the unlisted codes: 43281, 43282.
The new codes should help clarify remaining confusion about CPT 2009 revised lap hernia repair coding. The code changes will also aid coders to distinguish these paraesophageal hernias from epigastric hernias.
Do not miss: CPT lists these laparoscopic codes under the esophagus section; however the open code for paraesophageal hernia repair is under the diaphragm section.
Welcome lap sleeve Gastrectomy Code
General surgeons have carried out sleeve gastrectomies by lap approach for some time; however CPT did not provide a specific code until the AMA added 43775 this year.
There has been a lot of confusion about bundling on these procedures as well as medical necessity requirements. Having a specific code will help with that.
Reworked anus excision codes
CPT 2010 revised 14 anus excision codes and shuffles them around. The code changes in the range 46200-46280 tighten up hemorrhoidectomy coding and other procedures like fissurectomy.
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